quinta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2008

Brindes no Mundo (há pancadas a sério...)

Argentina: "¡Arriba, abajo, al centro y adentro!" (Up, down, in the middle and inside)
Australia: "Anatha raund!"
Belgium: "Santé, Spasj, Ad Fundum (geraardsbergen"
Brazil: "Puta que pariu"
Brussels: "Schol!"
Canada: "Chug Chug Chug!"
Canada: What's French for toast, eh?
Catalonia: "Salut, i força al Canut!"
China: "Rice wine pussies."
Croatia: "To our smell!"
Czech: "Čŭrak!"
Denmark: "Skål!"/"Bund eller bøsse!"
England: "You're barred!"
England: "Psshhh... Lightweights."
Estonia: "May you always remember to never forget"
Australia: "Yeah good one Estonia"
Finland: Kippis!
Finland: Hölökynkölökyn!
Finland: Pohjanmaan kautta!
Finland: Perseet olalle!
Finland: Vittu ku on pieni tuoppi!
Sweden: Finland shut the @!#% up and drink your beer.
France: "This is not le' wine! Sacre bleu!!!"
Germany: Bier Heil!
Greece: We don't drink beer! Only wine ;/
Holland: "Proost!" or "Bonnie st. Claire!"
Holland: "Biertje?"
IRG: "Baah, baah baah, baah"
Ireland: "sláinte" or the English translation "Fuck The English and bang the women!"
Israel: "Me ois vaxen svi a tsibele miten cup in vant."
Italy: "Salute!"
Japan: "Bonsai!"
Klingon: "Hab SoSlI' Quch!" (Today is a good day to die.)
Latvia: "(4 of them) Nu!; Nu tad!; Nu tad nu!; Nu tad nu par to pasu!"
Lithuania: "I sveikatėlę!!"
Lithuania: "... Arunai.. Arunai.. Grok."
Martinican Republic: "!@#$%^&*()___+"
Martinican Repbulic: " =May we smash this glass in the face of the brewer!"
Mexico: "Viva Mexico, Cabrones!"
Mime Republic: *clink*
Ninjafastia: "Masturba!"
Norway: "Sug og svelg, god helg!"
Norway: "Ronk og pul, god jul!"
Peru: "Secatelo en prima, webon!"
Peru: "Chupa, chupa, chupa!"
Poland: "Na zdrowie, kurwa mać!"
Poland: "Pijemy, bo się sciemnia!"
Portland: "I brewed this, you know."
Portugal: "E vai a cima e vai a baixo e vai ao centro e vai ao sexo vai para dentro!"
Portugal: "Bota!"
Puerto Rico: "Chupamela!"
Romania: "Norok"
Romania: "Multa bafta coae!"
Russia" "Na *hic*... Na *hic... Aaah, fuck it!.. *hic*"
Scotland:"Where in the world is Carmen Sandiago?"
Scotland: "You know what this beer needs? Whisky."
Serbia: "Живели!"
Sicily: "Minchia!"
Sierra Leone: "Someone has toast?! WHERE?!?!"
Slovenia: "Na zdravje!"
Students: "Prosit senior, prosit corona, Ad Fundum"
Sweden: "Botten upp!"/"Sug För helvete kärring, det är ingen trumpet!"
Ukraine: "Будмо! (...до холєри!)"
Martinican Republic: "WTF R U SYN?...@"
Jackistan: "Shut the F*** up Martini!"
Martinican Republic: "You startin a war here...Bitch?"
United States: "Game on!"
Wisconsin: "Eh, whens da Packer game start den?
Cybertron: "Roll out!"
日本:"ニッポンイチ!" (What the *%&# ?!)

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